Cultural Intelligence Seminar: Working with people from other countries

The course helps participants develop cultural intelligence by comparing different systems of cultural value with their own, which guide behavior and explore elements of intercultural communication

  • They will gain new perspectives on how other cultures view business, their role in it, and the way they work in teams - demonstrating how culture influences business, relationships, and work practices.
  • They will understand the enormous impact that culture has on what we do, learn how communication differs between cultures and how to apply it to real life situations. 
  • They will gain an understanding of the skills and knowledge required to become culturally competent in their daily work interactions.
  • They will understand the impact of culture on human behavior and learn effective strategies for preventing or dealing with disharmony in the workplace.
  • They will have an increased understanding of cultural influences on human behavior and how individuals can engage actively and raise awareness of intercultural misunderstandings in their workplace.
  • "They will gain ideas to deal with conflicts between colleagues and will be able to identify when conflicts have a cultural element."